Saturday, 14 June 2014

关于PRESBHD 2014年第一季业绩暴跌的疑问

上个月PRESBHD公布的业绩,净利大跌30% 左右,着实吓了我一大跳!因为PRESBHD是我自身组合和父母组合的第一大股,如果公司真的出了问题,就要尽快壮士断臂了!所以我就EMAIL过去询问,希望IR可以解开我的疑问!



1。为什么培训业绩大跌,而管理层只是以“The reason was mainly due to lower number of training classes conducted by Academy segment” 带过,可以进一步解释吗?这现象只是暂时的,还是永久的?

[Reply:The drop was mainly due to delay in extension of iCitizen and some new projects that we have been working on for some times such as English teachers Upskilling program (Pro ELT).  Both projects we project will kick off in the second half of the year.]



[Reply: We are in the process of applying new MSC Status in Johor to take advantage of the tax incentive offer in the Iskandar Development Region, and we are confident that we will obtain a new MSC Status when our existing incentive expired in June 2015.]


3。目前UniMY新生录取情况如何?UniMY业务继续扩大亏损,管理层曾经说过有信心在今年内达致收支平衡, 有能力达成吗?还有,需要多少学生可以达致收支平衡?目前可以容纳多少学生?

UniMy has a total of 66 students as at 31 March 2014. A substantial shareholder will be injected into UniMy to assist in boosting students’ enrollment. As such, we are very confident that UniMy should be able to break even by end of this year as we are targeting about 400 students to break even. The existing campus can accommodate up to 1,000 students at its maximum. The details of the substantial shareholder will be announced when the time is right. We appreciate your patience and thank you for supporting Prestariang.

目前Unimy有66名学生,而未来将会有新主要股东加盟来协助提高学生就读率。 我们预计需要400名学生来达致收支平衡,而且非常有信心在今年尾就可以达到。目前的校舍可以容纳1000学生。 新主要股东的加盟将会在适当的时候公布。

纵观以上的回复,可以预见今年第二季的业绩会继续疲软,但是下半年会有爆发性的成长,因为新计划开跑,然后UniMY不再亏损,以PRESBHD一向高PROFIT MARGIN的营业模式,相信业绩会很有看头!因为这次业绩里UniMY亏损达到170万左右,导致净利只有640万而已。如果不把亏损计算在内,净利会有800万左右。其实也就较去年同期的900万减少大概10%而已。


PS2:今天CANONE发布公告即将发行新股以收购食品业剩余20%股份, 迟点再卖掉KIANJOO股权,看来CANONE是要全面转型成食品公司了!!!

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